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Healthwatch Sandwell Carers Project - Online Survey

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Healthwatch Sandwell are conducting a carers project and we want to talk to people (aged 18+) who provide unpaid ‘care’ for others, this role can include personal care, shopping, befriending and much more.

We would also like to talk to people who may not see themselves as a ‘carer’ and have not accessed support, however these people may receive support from your organisation.

This project will contribute to the development of a new Carers Strategy that is being developed by Adult Services - Sandwell MBC.

The objectives of this project are to:

  • Understand the reasons why carers do not access services currently;
  • Find out why people may not identify as a carer;
  • Ascertain what support people would benefit from.

We will use the feedback that we collect to share with service providers and commissioners and work with them to look for ways that services can be improved or provided.

We are collating people’s contact details to:

  • be part of a focus group (July and August 2019) to discuss their experiences of caring for someone (one in each town of Sandwell) or
  • have a one to one interview to talk about their life as a carer and what support they have had and what they would like in the future.
  • have a one to one interview to talk about their life as a carer and what support they have had and what they would like in the future.

This is the link to our on line survey:
